See the video of the book dummy here.

The autobiographical photo book „Vergissmeinnicht“ (Forget-Me-Not) delves into the psychological and physical effects of losing my menstruation and my journey to reclaim it after nearly a decade.

At the age of 13, my menstruation abruptly ceased. Overnight, the monthly cycle I had known no longer existed. Later, I was diagnosed with PCO syndrome (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome), a hormonal imbalance disrupting menstrual patterns and often leading to infertility. This condition affects approximately 10-15% of women in Germany of reproductive age, carrying significant psychological weight and often resulting in a detachment from one’s own body.

Taking charge of my healing journey in my early twenties allowed me to reclaim my menstruation and embark on a path of self-documentation. However, the journey toward self-acceptance remains fraught with challenges. For years, I grappled with feelings of inadequacy, erroneously believing something was inherently wrong with me—a sentiment I know resonates with many others. The societal expectations placed on women’s appearance and behavior create an unrelenting pressure, one I strive to liberate myself from.

This deeply personal project took shape during my studies at the Danish School of Media and Journalism (DMJX) in Aarhus, Denmark, in 2021.

The Photobook dummy was among the five finalists of the „Kassel Dummy Award 2023“ and was showcased in the group exhibition „FIRST PAGES Counter Images, Gegenbilder“ in Cologne in 2022.